Automation in milling with CNC machining centres
Automation all the way along your value chain – this is a key issue that is very relevant across all sectors of industry and is also being accelerated by the global pandemic and the shortage of skilled workers. This is because the pandemic in particular has made outsourcing to other countries or external partners a less attractive proposition. The incentive to manufacture your own products is high and many companies are embracing automation in order to make themselves competitive on their own, in their own country, usually within Europe.
Be competitive and independent thanks to automation
Sectors such as the automotive industry and the aviation industry in particular are faced with the challenge of embracing electric mobility and transport while at the same time meeting stricter environmental requirements. For example, the level of energy and fuel consumption depends on the weight of a car or the aerodynamics of an aircraft. This means that lightweight materials are particularly crucial in these industries. In addition, the automotive industry needs to produce high volumes of product with excellent quality.
The milling of lightweight and composite materials presents a real challenge because of their characteristics – and this is one of HG GRIMME SysTech’s core areas of expertise. We work with you to develop the optimum solution for competitive and automated milling of lightweight materials. For using sophisticated automation in combination with a powerful CNC machining centre significantly reduces the manufacturing costs – compared to conventional or even semi-automated manufacturing.
Fully automated CNC milling centre –
Example of automation: G-DT-F
The milling centre G-DT-F featuring a gantry design and a rotary table operates almost completely on its own. The workpiece is introduced to and removed from the machine by a robot arm which is linked to the CNC control system by a software application. The robot arm can switch between different tools and perform different tasks. For example, as well as changing tools, it can also clean the fixture by blowing off the chips or removing any waste pieces. As soon as the workpiece has been placed on in automated fashion, it is held on the fixture optimally by a vacuum. The position of the workpiece is checked automatically by a camera.
At the same time, the milling process takes place on the other side of the rotary table. The transverse chip conveyor conveys the chips which are produced in the milling process into chip trays. At the same time, the surrounding environment is protected from any milling dust that is produced by an enclosed cabin. In addition, both the room extraction system and the extraction unit on the milling cutter itself minimise milling dust and chips. As well as the protection from milling dust, the tool measurement of the CNC machine is also automated. The tool is immediately replaced when it becomes worn to ensure that a consistently high level of milling quality can be maintained.
An automated CNC milling centre allows you to achieve a huge increase in efficiency with rapid cycles – and you can do this within your own production process. Your skilled staff no longer have to perform routine tasks and can instead focus on their core skills.
Automatic clamping fixtures for greater flexibility
Our CNC milling machine G-DT-F is particularly flexible and can produce many different components thanks to the clamping fixture specially developed by HG GRIMME SysTech. The clamping fixture can be switched to another version of a component at the touch of a button. The fact that the fixture can be rapidly transformed means the set-up times are so short that no storage costs for a second fixture are incurred. The CNC machining centre is therefore not just highly efficient, but also hugely profitable – this is automation that really pays dividends!